Some Questions You May Have: https://bit.ly/49WIbbY
What’s a brand deal?
When Tube Amplify helps you create a loyal following on YouTube, other companies and brands will start to see you and your channel as a way to get their products and services in front of their target audience. This is when you can get paid to just mention a product or service in your videos. The amount you get paid varies based on niche and audience size, but it ranges anywhere from a few hundred bucks to a few thousand bucks per minute. If you’re REALLY big (1 Million Subscribers and up), you can command tens of thousands per minute.
I don’t have an audience OR my audience is small. Can I still do brand deals?
Yes, of course! You can get started with brand deals with a small audience as long as your audience is a highly engaged one. Tube Amplify helps you do this, so you are good! It’s best to get started with brand deals now as you will be leaving a lot of money on the table if you wait “for the right time”.
Can I see an example of a brand deal?
Sure, here’s a recent video that Parker published on his channel. The product placement starts at the 00:24 mark and ends at the 01:00 mark. Notice how he didn’t have to really do any hardcore selling. He just mentions the product and that’s it. He was paid around $3,000 for including this small segment in his video, regardless if it generated any sales for the brand or not. Think of how you could do this in YOUR niche!
Will this work in my niche?
Are people buying products and services in your niche? Are there brands and companies trying to sell products and services to people in your niche? If so, then YES — ABSOLUTELY! This stuff works in ANY niche. If you answered no to the above, you should rethink your niche anyways ;)
How is this different from monetizing my YouTube videos from ads?
When you monetize your videos on YouTube, you get paid whenever a viewer clicks and ad on your video. If they don’t click, you don’t get paid. With brand deals, you get paid a flat fee just for mentioning the product or service in your video, regardless if it actually generates any sales for the brand. Imagine if Britney Spears appeared on Good Morning America and was wearing a Pepsi T-Shirt and Pepsi paid her to wear it on TV. Same concept.
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